Patexia Ranking 2023

A recent article available at highlighted our position (10th) in their rankings of law firm overall performance for patent application preparation and prosecution in 2023.  We are proud that our firm has ranked in the top ten for overall performance every year we have been eligible, since our founding in 2019.

This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and exceptional legal expertise of our team.

Patexia is an Intellectual Property services company, and their methodology for ranking firms for performance in patent application preparation and prosecution is the most thorough and fair rubric for quantifying “quality” in an extremely complex and nuanced process that I have run across.

Our success is rooted in our commitment to providing exceptional client service and achieving outstanding results. We believe that every client deserves the highest quality representation, and we strive to add value in every case.

Obviously, the cost of services can be as important as the quality, so it is significant that one of the metrics Patexia uses as a ranking factor is an estimated cost to the client of the patents obtained by a law firm.  This is a metric in which our firm excels, and the estimated cost in 2023 was less than the amount we invoiced our clients for the work!

We are grateful to our clients for their trust and confidence in our firm. Their support has been instrumental in our success. We are also proud of our team of talented attorneys and staff who work tirelessly to deliver exceptional legal services.

This recognition is a validation of our approach and a motivation for us to continue our pursuit of excellence. We are committed to being a leader in the legal industry and providing the highest quality representation to our clients.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to serving you in the years to come.

Applified Marketing Group

Our Motivation

In 2013 we established our company, UrPhoneGuy LLC (UPG), during a recession in a booming Mobile Economy with the realization that there was a need. A need to pull small businesses together and reconnect more with not only one another but with the clients we serve, we believe Mobile Business Applications will take us there. Our teams goal is to show you just how we can make this happen, while building relationships to last a lifetime. In 2016 we rebranded to the Applified Marketing Group to better leverage our core values and capabilities. We are the Applified Marketing Group.

“Don’t Put Off For Tomorrow What You Can Do Today!



Applified Marketing Group LLC (AMG), previously known as the UPG Mobile Marketing Group, is a Mobile Marketing Solutions Company located in San Diego, California & Phoenix, Arizona. We specialize in affordable mobile solutions that will get you noticed and help you retain customers.

Our mobile solutions include Progressive Web Apps (PWA's), Native Mobile Applications for Apple and Android Devices, SEO infused Mobile Responsive Websites, Business Marketing Strategies, Graphic Design and much more. Before the iPhone and smartphone boom we were the guys who helped guide you into this exciting fast moving world of mobile. Let us help your business reach its full mobile potential.

Success With Patent Eligibility Rejections