Pending Patent Prosecution

Securing Your Patents with Expertise and Precision

Obtaining a patent is a critical step in protecting your innovation, but the journey doesn’t end with filing an application. At Esplin & Associates, our Patent Prosecution service ensures that your patents are expertly guided through the complex approval process. With decades of experience, deep insight into the workings of the USPTO, and a commitment to securing the broadest protection for your inventions, we make sure your patents are well positioned for issuance and adding strategic value in your IP portfolio.

Whether you’re navigating the intricacies of office actions, examiner interviews, or appeals, our team is dedicated to delivering outstanding results for your patent portfolio.

Why Esplin & Associates for Patent Prosecution?

Proven Success

We know what it takes to get patents approved. Our attorneys have an exceptional track record in overcoming office actions, securing favorable examiner interviews, and navigating complex patent law. Our expertise is recognized in the industry, and our high success rates speak for themselves.

  • Top Patexia Rankings: Consistently ranked as a top performer in Patexia for patent prosecution, demonstrating our ability to deliver results.

  • High Allowance Rates: We have a strong history of turning initial rejections into issued patents, securing the IP our clients need.

  • Fast Turnaround: We work efficiently to ensure your patent prosecution moves forward without unnecessary delays.

Deep Patent Office Insights

Understanding how the patent office works is key to successful patent prosecution. Many of our attorneys have personally been inventors and/or served in the USPTO examiner corps, giving us a unique advantage. We know how to communicate with inventors and what examiners are looking for to navigate their objections. These insights allow us to craft responses that resonate, leading to faster approvals and stronger patents.

  • Insider Knowledge: Our own inventor and examiner experience helps us anticipate challenges and address them effectively.

  • Proactive Approach: We don’t wait for issues to arise. We engage with examiners early in the process to ensure smoother prosecution.

Global Prosecution Expertise

If your business operates internationally, you need a patent strategy that goes beyond U.S. borders. We manage patent prosecution in multiple jurisdictions, tailoring our approach to meet the specific requirements of patent offices around the world.

  • International Filing Expertise: We have extensive experience executing patent portfolio strategies in Europe, Asia, and other major markets.

  • Comprehensive Global Strategy: We coordinate multi-country filings to ensure that your patents are protected across all key regions.

Strategic Responses to Office Actions

Every office action is an opportunity to strengthen your application. Our attorneys carefully analyze each rejection and draft strategic responses that address examiner concerns while safeguarding the full scope of your invention. We’re experts at resolving examiner objections efficiently, whether through written responses or examiner interviews.

  • Expert Office Action Responses: Our attorneys craft persuasive responses that minimize claim narrowing and protect your invention.

  • Examiner Interviews: We frequently engage directly with examiners to clarify issues, streamline the process, and expedite approvals.

  • Appeals Board: When necessary, we are prepared to take cases to appeal, leveraging our experience in higher-level patent challenges.

Unmatched Client Support Throughout the Process

Patent prosecution can be a lengthy and detailed process, but with Esplin & Associates, you’ll never feel left in the dark. We provide regular updates and clear communication at every stage, ensuring that you know exactly where your application stands and what steps are being taken to move it forward. Our commitment to transparency and client partnership ensures that you’re informed and confident throughout the entire prosecution journey.

The Esplin & Associates Difference

 Comprehensive Legal and Technical Expertise

Our team is made up of highly specialized attorneys with both legal acumen and technical backgrounds, giving us a unique ability to understand the full scope of your invention and its commercial potential. We work tirelessly to ensure that every claim in your patent reflects the true value of your innovation.

Efficient and Effective Prosecution

We understand the importance of getting your patent issued quickly and accurately. Our prosecution process is designed to move efficiently while maintaining the highest standards of quality, ensuring that you receive strong patents that are enforceable and aligned with your business objectives.

Long-Term Patent Portfolio Strategy

Patent prosecution isn’t just about getting a patent—it’s about getting the right patent. We help you build a long-term portfolio that supports your business goals, whether through blocking competitors, opening licensing opportunities, or expanding into new markets.

Let’s Get Your Patent Issued

With our expertise in patent prosecution, you can trust Esplin & Associates to secure the patents you need to protect your most valuable innovations. Whether it’s overcoming office actions, navigating examiner interviews, or prosecuting your patents globally, we’re here to make sure your IP is fully protected

Schedule a Discovery Call Today

Let’s discuss how we can guide your patents from application to issuance.