Trademarks & Branding

Protect Your Brand, Strengthen Your Identity

Your trademarks and branding are some of your company’s most valuable assets, and securing trademark protection is critical to safeguarding that identity in the marketplace. At Esplin & Associates, our Trademark service provides comprehensive protection for your trademarks, from initial registration to ongoing maintenance and enforcement. Whether you're launching a new product or service or expanding into new markets, our team is here to ensure your trademarks are secure and fully protected.

We handle every aspect of the trademark process, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on growing your business while we take care of protecting what makes your offerings unique.

Comprehensive Trademark Services

At Esplin & Associates, we offer end-to-end trademark services designed to protect your brand at every stage of its lifecycle.

Trademark Search & Clearance

Before filing a trademark application, we conduct a thorough search to ensure your mark is unique and available for registration. Our comprehensive clearance process identifies any potential conflicts, helping you avoid costly rebranding or disputes down the line.

  • Full Availability Search: We perform extensive searches in both domestic and international databases to identify potential risks.

  • Detailed Reports: You’ll receive clear, actionable insights on the availability and registrability of your proposed trademarks.

  • Proactive Risk Mitigation: We provide strategic recommendations to minimize the risk of conflicts with existing marks.

Trademark Registration

Once we’ve cleared your mark, we guide you through the entire trademark registration process, ensuring that your application meets all legal requirements and that your mark is properly protected. Our attorneys manage everything from filing the application to communicating with the USPTO on your behalf.

  • U.S. & International Filings: We handle trademark filings in the U.S. and around the globe, ensuring that your mark is protected wherever you do business.

  • Detailed Application Preparation: Our team prepares and files your trademark application with precision, ensuring that every aspect is covered.

  • Smooth Communication with the USPTO: We manage all communications with trademark examiners, ensuring a smooth and efficient registration process.

Trademark Monitoring & Maintenance

Trademark protection doesn’t stop once your mark is registered. We offer advice for ongoing monitoring and maintenance services to ensure that your mark remains protected and in compliance with trademark laws over time. Our proactive approach with vendors in this space ensures that your trademark remains valid and enforceable.

  • Regular Monitoring: It is important to keep an eye on trademark filings to identify potential infringements or conflicts. 

  • Maintenance Filings: We work with vendors in this space to manage all renewal filings and documentation to ensure that your trademarks stay active and in good standing.

  • Global Protection: For businesses operating internationally, we can help connect you with worldwide monitoring services, ensuring that your mark remains protected in every market.

Trademark Enforcement

If a competitor attempts to infringe on your trademark, we take swift action to protect your brand. Our attorneys are experienced in handling trademark enforcement matters, from cease-and-desist letters to managing opposition proceedings at the USPTO.

  • Cease-and-Desist: We issue strong, clear cease-and-desist letters to infringers, stopping unauthorized use of your mark.

  • Oppositions & Cancellations: We manage trademark oppositions and cancellation proceedings to prevent others from registering conflicting marks.

  • Global Enforcement: We help manage trademark enforcement actions in key international markets, ensuring your rights are respected worldwide.

The Esplin & Associates Difference

Experienced Trademark Attorneys

Our team of attorneys has extensive experience in all aspects of trademark law, and we’ve successfully protected the marks of companies across industries, from tech startups to established global corporations. We understand the unique challenges that come with building and protecting a trademark, and we work closely with you to ensure that your trademarks are assets you can rely on.

Strategic Trademark Portfolio Management

We take a proactive approach to managing your trademark portfolio. Whether you’re expanding into new markets, launching new products, or simply ensuring that your current trademarks remain protected, we develop a strategy that aligns with your business goals and long-term vision.

Global Expertise

As your business grows, your trademark protection needs to grow with it. Our team has extensive experience handling trademark matters across multiple jurisdictions, ensuring that your brand is protected not only in the U.S. but in all of your key markets worldwide.

Protect Your Brand—Secure Your Future

Your trademarks are more than just a name or a logo—it’s your identity in the marketplace. Don’t leave it unprotected. With Esplin & Associates, you’ll have a dedicated team working to secure and defend your trademarks, giving you the confidence to build and grow your business.

Schedule a Discovery Call Today

Learn how we can help you protect your brand, from registration to enforcement.